CONTRACT - FRAMEWORK marketing of tourist service packages
No. _____________ from _______________
The contracting parties:
SC NORDIC TOURS SRL, based in Bucharest, Str. Maria Hagi Moscu, no. 1, et. 1, apartment 5, phone: 021 305 6006; 021 316 5016; fax: 021.305.6006, e-mail:, No. of reg. Trade Register: J40/6454/2000, C.I.F.: RO13188012, holder of A-tour operator tourism license no. 1833 / 2000, Insolvency Policy: No. 45791/07.07.2015, registered as a personal data operator under number 9284, IBAN accounts: in lei - RO71 OTPV 1100 0001 9461 RO01 and in euros - RO28 OTPV 1100 0001 9461 EU01, Bank: OTP Bank SMB Bucharest, or: RO74 RNCB 0075 0352 2954 0001 - RON, and RO78 RNCB 0318 0352 2954 0001 - EUR, opened at BCR Sector 4, represented by Mrs. Tiganus Corina, as Director and
The tourist / tourist representative, Mrs./Mr. ________________________________________, domiciled in ____________________, Str._________________, no. ____, bl:_______; sc: ____; ap. _____, Sector/County_______________ CNP _______________________, holder of the passport with series and number ______________, telephone: __________________; e-mail: ______________________; have agreed upon the conclusion of this contract.
I. THE OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT is the sale by the Nordic Tours Tour Operator Agency of the package of tourist services and the issuance of payment documents.
1. If Nordic Tours is forced to modify one of the essential provisions of the contract, it is obliged to inform the tourist at least 45 days before the departure date.
2. Nordic Tours can change the price of the contract, in the sense of increasing or decreasing it, as the case may be, only if the change takes place as a result of variations in transport costs, royalties and taxes related to landing, disembarkation/embarkation services in ports and airports and of tourist taxes or exchange rates related to the contracted tourist service package.
3. If, after the start of the tourist trip, an important part of the tourist services provided in the contract is not performed or Nordic Tours finds that it will not be able to perform them, it is obliged:
a) to offer the tourist appropriate alternatives in order to continue the tourist trip without increasing the price, respectively the tourist services offered should be of the same quality and quantity;
b) to return to the tourist the sums representing the difference between the paid tourist services and those actually provided during the tourist trip;
c) in the event that appropriate alternatives cannot be offered to the tourist or he does not accept them for valid reasons, to ensure the return transport of the tourist to the place of departure or to another place agreed by him and, as the case may be, compensation for the services not lent.
4. Nordic Tours is responsible for the proper execution of the obligations assumed by the contract, except in the following cases:
a) when the non-fulfillment or defective fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the contract is due to the tourist;
b) when the non-fulfillment of obligations is due to force majeure or circumstances that neither Nordic Tours nor the service providers could foresee or avoid (timetable or itinerary changes, natural disasters, delays in the traffic of means of transport, etc).
5. Nordic Tours is obliged to provide the following information to the tourist in writing, within 10 days before the departure date:
a) timetables, stops and connections between the means of transport included in the contract;
b) the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the local representative of the organizer or, in its absence, an emergency call number that will allow the organizer to contract;
c) for the trips of minors unaccompanied by their parents, information that allows the parents to establish a direct contact with the child or with the person in charge of the child's place of accommodation.
1. If Nordic Tours cancels the tourist trip before the departure date, the tourist has the right:
a) to accept at the same price another package of tourist services of equivalent or superior quality, proposed by Nordic Tours;
b) to be reimbursed immediately for all sums paid under the contract.
2. In all the cases mentioned, the tourist has the right to request Nordic Tours and compensation for failure to fulfill the provisions of the initial contract, except in cases where:
a) the cancellation was made due to the failure to meet the minimum number of people mentioned in the contract, and Nordic Tours informed the tourist in writing at least 30 calendar days before the departure date;
b) the cancellation was due to a case of force majeure (unforeseeable circumstances, independent of the will of the person invoking them and whose consequences could not be avoided despite any efforts made, this not including overbookings, in which case the responsibility rests with the airline);
c) the cancellation was due to the fault of the tourist.
3. The tourist has the right to terminate the contract at any time, in whole or in part, and if the termination is attributable to him, he is obliged to compensate Nordic Tours for the damage caused to it, except in cases of force majeure defined according to the law.
4. The tourist is obliged to pay the resort tax at the reception of the hotel unit, as well as other local taxes imposed by the accommodation unit, without being able to claim compensation or the return of the amounts from the Agency.
5. The tourist is obliged to present at the reception of the hotel unit his identity documents, as well as the issued travel document, in order to provide tourist services.
1. Penalties equivalent to the contract price are also applied if the tourist does not arrive on time at the airport or the place of departure, if he cannot leave for the trip because he does not have the correct documents or if he is turned away from the border by the police border.
2. CANCELLATION CONDITIONS: In case of cancellation by the tourist of the tourist services confirmed by the tour operator, penalties will be deducted as follows:
a) 20% of the total value of the confirmed services, if the cancellation is made between 61 and 31 calendar days from the start date of the tourist program;
b) 60% of the total value of the confirmed services if the cancellation is made between 30 and 15 calendar days before the start date of the tourist program;
d) 100% of the total value of the confirmed services if the cancellation is made less than 14 calendar days before the start date of the program or for no-show.
d) Total loss of the advance paid upon registration in case of cancellation of reservations with special offers (early booking, last minute, tourism fair promotions, etc.), regardless of the date of cancellation after confirmation of the reservation.
3. BILLING, PAYMENTS: All rates include VAT. Invoicing will comply with the fiscal rules stipulated in the Fiscal Code for travel agencies.
Payment will be made to SC NORDIC TOURS SRL accounts:
RON: RO71 OTPV 1100 0001 9461 RO01
EUR: RO28 OTPV 1100 0001 9461 EU01, open at OTP Bank SMB Bucharest,
RON: RO74 RNCB 0075 0352 2954 0001
EUR: RO78 RNCB 0318 0352 2954 0001, open at BCR Sector 4
4. INSURANCE - The tourist is insured for the reimbursement of repatriation expenses and/or the sums paid by him in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of Nordic Tours at Societatea Societatea OMNIASIG VIG SA, with headquarters in Bucharest, Aleea Alexandru, no. 51, sector 1. Series I, No. 56611/ 20.01.2022 (valid for one year until 19.01.2023). Optionally, you have the possibility of concluding a STORNO insurance to avoid unpleasant situations such as: illnesses, fires, accidents, deaths of 1st degree relatives, etc.
5. ANNEXES The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS are attached as annexes hereto are as follows:
a) confirmation of services
b) the tourist program
c) payment documents: invoices, receipts
1. This contract was concluded in two copies, one for each party.
2. The marketing of tourist service packages will be done in accordance with the provisions of this contract and in compliance with the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 107/1999 regarding the activity of marketing tourist service packages, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 631/2001, with subsequent amendments.
Agency, Tourist,
Name: SC Nordic Tours SRL Name:
Representative: Corina Tiganus